Saturday, August 18, 2007

Health Screening – Should We Bother?

Coronary heart disease (CHD) is the no. 1 killer in Malaysia, not just for men but also for women. It is on the rise and it is affecting the younger population. Not long ago, it was a disease of those aged 60’s and above. Nowadays, we are seeing coronary heart disease as young as in the 30’s, or even younger. However, by and large, CHD is preventable. Identifying individuals at risk of getting CHD is vital so that steps can be taken to prevent them from developing CHD. We all know the phrase “Prevention is better than cure”!

Broadly speaking, these risk factors can be divided into ‘modifiable’ and ‘non-modifiable’.

Non-modifiable risk factors are factors or conditions that one has absolutely no control on. They include the following:

  • Old age (CHD incidence increases with age)
  • Gender (Women have hormonal protection until they reach menopause)
  • Family history (CHD can be hereditary)
  • Ethnic group (In Malaysia, Indians followed by Malays and Chinese)

As you can see, we cannot do anything about these factors. But what we have control on are the modifiable risk factors, as listed below:

  • Hypertension (There is usually no symptom. Hence, it is a silent killer)
  • Diabetes (Passes a lot of urine, drinks plenty and feels tired easily)
  • Abnormal cholesterol level
  • Obesity
  • Smoking (The single most preventable risk factor!)
  • Sedentary lifestyle (lack of exercise)

There are many of us walking around with one or more the above risk factors (namely hypertension, diabetes and abnormal cholesterol) not knowing that we have it/them. We are, therefore, a walking time ‘time-bomb’!!!

At the Health Carnival, in conjunction with the Larian Kardio PPUM 2007, there will be a massive health screening for the public. There will be blood pressure measurement, glucose and cholesterol level checks and waist circumference measurement for visitors to the carnival AT NO CHARGE. The glucose and cholesterol checks alone would normally cost more than RM20 and it will be on a ‘first come first served’ basis for the first 1000 participants.

There will also be a poster exhibition on cardiovascular disease and ways to overcome it. A booth will be set up at the health carnival for our dietitians to give free consultations as well as to exhibit their posters and handout leaflets on healthy food.

Larian Kardio committee would like to invite you to come to Larian Kardio PPUM and the Health Carnival. Bring someone along. This health awareness campaign should not be by the Cardiology Unit of PPUM only, but instead, a campaign by everyone…everyone who is concerned about the growing epidemic of CHD and feels strongly about working together to combat it. It is, therefore, the responsibility of ALL of us.

Please support this noble cause and hope to see you there.

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