Thursday, August 16, 2007

You Answered - Sponsorship Update

Ribuan terima kasih kepada pengunjung setia blog larian

Thanks for answering our appeal for more cash sponsorship and run participation too.

Updated cash & pledges = MYR173,300.

That's MYR5,500 in less than a day since posting the first sponsorship update.

And we've had lots of people calling to find out more about the public race this morning.

T h a n k s to everyone for spreading the word.

And also to the mucho excellente people at Kosmo! and the China Press for their articles yesterday and today.

Not forgetting all the
  • newspapers
  • tv and radio stations
  • online forums
  • websites
  • blogs, and
  • just plain mass emailing by regular folks
You've done a great job in getting the word out on the financial problems of underprivileged heart patients.

I'm hoping that after today's update on sponsorship, tomorrow's contributions will be even higher! Or could it have been yesterday's post had coloured fonts...well I'm using more colour today, but could be overdoing it...let me know.

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