Sunday, July 22, 2007

Random Kindness - Larian Kardio PPUM 2007

Yesterday, Larian Kardio PPUM chairman, Prof Haizal and committee member, Dr Imran were in Kuantan as speakers at a medical course. After the course was over, Dr.Imran shared with the participants on Larian Kardio PPUM 2007, the health awareness fair and the people who would benefit from the fund..

After the 10 minute presentation on Larian Kardio, a doctor from Myanmar, Dr.Hninn Aye Thinn, came forward to donate USD500 (RM1,700) towards the Larian Kardio 2007 fund!

Amazing, unlooked for, and totally inspiring.

We're hoping that more people show the same spirit.

Anyone seen 'Pay it forward'? Yeah, that's what it felt like.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As I commented in the previous posting, it was Dr. Imran who did the 10 min presentation. I was there to help share our vision and passion.

The Larian Kardio fever has started to hit UMMC. We did roadshows last week within the confines of UMMC/UM Medical Faculty and we were really encouraged by the response. We are hoping to do the same to the rest of UM, and soon to the rest of the country!

Our main objective is to get as much funds as we can for our Tabung Pesakit Kardiologi (target RM500k) that we can help those in need to get the treatment that they deserve. The run is one way of highlighting this goal, and we hope that many people will come to register to run as a strong show of support.

Time is not on our side...only another 42 days to go. But I know that with enough strength and determination...and a concerted effort from all parties, we will achieve our aim!

We can...and we will...
